Why Teapot.Chat Even Exists?

A few years ago we met on a corner of the internet and started our own little network. What was then irc.friends went through a few changes over time and different management, even rebranded to Teapot.Chat! Yet it always stayed true to its original name, a friendly gathering place, trying to keep true to the internet communities of yore.

As highlighted on the team page, we all partake in running internet-facing services, generally offering free public service. And this carries over to Teapot.Chat, where the service is offered free of charge, and generally running on free/libre open source software. Unlike many "free" services nowadays though, we do not collect and sell your data for profit, the reason we can do this is we believe that if it isn't something we can offer sustainably without needing much money then we just don't.

Thus, we hope to still help base a bit of the small web around this corner, and to foster a community free of external influences.